The Challenge

Lack of scalable and operational
onboarding tools

Private networks are transitioning from pilots to operational. Challenges concern device onboarding processes and tools, including complex workflows, unintuitive user interfaces, and insufficient error handling. Enterprises use scripts and manual procedures, which introduce the risk of human error and consume valuable time when the number of devices scales from dozens to thousands.

Inability to shift responsibility
to the operational team

The complexity of existing device management methods often burdens private cellular teams with the onboarding process, rather than enabling a shift of responsibility to the operational team. This diversion of focus prevents private network teams from dedicating their full attention to their core responsibilities.

OneLayer’s Solution

Unlock the full potential of OneLayer’s unique Device Onboarding solution to gain end-to-end provisioning, activation, context-based profile modification, device authorization, and segmentation policies. De-provisioning is supported in cases of security events. The solution uses an intuitive, user-friendly interface to manage SIM cards within private LTE and 5G networks.


New SIM card authentication


SIM card profile setup


Device fingerprint-based profile


Automated device authorization
& segmentation policy


Event-based de-provision where
isolation is not enough

Request a demo today to learn more.

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